
Ted is inspired by the words of Mark Twain, "Travel is fatal to prejudice".

Meet Ted. A globetrotter and businessman who has channeled his wanderlust into creating opportunities for nordic adventurers, just like him.

Born and Raised in Halmstad, Sweden, Ted found joy in the vibrancy that culminated in his small beach-side village each summer, "I had the opportunity to make new friends and get new perspectives on things. It had a big impact on me". His early exposure to tourism motivated him to start traveling solo at the ripe age of 16 and it wasn’t long until his zeal for exploring guided his residency in 9 different countries.

Now happily located in Sunny San Diego, California, Ted has transformed his enthusiasm for gallivanting, into a vocation that provides young Scandinavian students with the opportunity to become fully immersed in a different culture. He has finally embarked on his most arduous quest yet; the quest for personal freedom through running his own educational travel business.

Performing as CEO & Co-Founder of his company, The North-West Passage, Ted faces the demanding task of managing a startup company. Luckily, Ted has found great relief and support in using CBD products, "I can definitely feel that I am more focused and relaxed. (..) Now I can be more efficient."

The perfect travel companion for ultimate clarity and relaxation, Neurogan is delighted to keep Ted feeling courageous and inspired as a business owner and world-traveler.

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