CBD Blog

At Neurogan, we’re your #1 source for education, guidance, and inspiration surrounding hemp-derived cannabinoids.

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The 7 Best CBD Gummies for Seniors in 2024

Are CBD gummies for seniors worth looking into? And are CBD gummies safe for the elderly? We certainly think so! As the years gracefully add up, so does our wisdom,...

10 Best CBD Products for Back Pain 2024 (Ultimate Guide)

CBD, the acrobat of natural remedies, has been doing somersaults around traditional forms of pain management, winning hearts and easing pains. But with a market swamped with more brands than...

The 8 Best CBD Gummies for Sleep in 2024

In our fast-paced, always-on world, getting a night of uninterrupted slumber can feel like an out-of-reach luxury. Given the challenges of sleep disorders and the potential risks associated with conventional...

How Do CBD Gummies Make You Feel? Overall Effects

It might feel like CBD products have infiltrated every corner of society—it's not just for the hipsters and health nuts anymore. So, what's all the fuss about these cute little...

5 Best CBD Gummies for Anxiety & Stress in 2024

In a world where stress and anxiety seem to be at an all-time high, finding natural remedies is more important than ever. And for many people, taking CBD gummies for...

CBD for Fibromyalgia: A Promising New Approach to Pain Management?

Can CBD help with fibromyalgia pain? On a typical day, people with fibromyalgia experience a constant background of pain — muscle aches, joint stiffness, tender bones — that make everyday tasks...

CBD Skincare Benefits: Using CBD on the Skin

The popularity of skincare has skyrocketed in the last decade, and it's proving to be more than a passing trend. With an abundance of information readily available to people who...

CBD For Arthritis | 5 Best Products & Effects

According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), 54 million people in the United States are diagnosed with arthritis—nearly half of whom are limited in their activities because of this condition. Arthritis is...

CBD And Coffee: 4 Benefits of The Relaxed Buzz You'll Love

For many people, coffee is the first drink they reach for in the morning to help them get through the day.  The active ingredient in coffee, caffeine, is a stimulant that...

5 CBD Lip Balm Benefits For Healthy Lips

Dry, chapped lips are distracting and downright uncomfortable. And while a few select chapsticks are designed to actually improve the moisture in the delicate skin of the lips, the majority...

CBD Lotion Benefits & How it Works on the Body

Is your standard drugstore body lotion just not cutting it? CBD is the newest skincare ingredient on the block to give you more bang for your buck, body-wide.  CBD is proving to...

CBD Information & Education

We share all the fascinating facts you need to know about hemp and the endocannabinoid system, while discussing specific cannabinoid properties, usage methods, benefits, side effects, and more. Our team includes doctors, health and wellness educators, and cannabis experts. We source research-based information from The United States National Library of Medicine and other published biomedical literature from scientists around the globe, so you can trust you’re receiving the most credible CBD information available.

The Neurogan CBD blog houses a collection of step-by-step guides for introducing supplements into your wellness regimen to ensure a safe and positive experience. We cover dosage, administration methods, product types, and provide visual infographics and audio recordings for all types of learners. We also go in-depth to cover the importance of understanding that results vary based on genetics, lifestyle, and experience.

Thoroughly passionate about cannabinoids, plant-based apothecary, and health, we love taking a comprehensive dive into wellness with you in our blog. From cannabinoid recipes, to research about CBD for sleep, and even mindfulness techniques, this is your trusted hub for CBD education and wellness. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neurogan does not have any formal affiliation with The United States National Library of Medicine. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.