CBD Blog

At Neurogan, we’re your #1 source for education, guidance, and inspiration surrounding hemp-derived cannabinoids.

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The 7 Best CBD Gummies for Seniors in 2024

Are CBD gummies for seniors worth looking into? And are CBD gummies safe for the elderly? We certainly think so! As the years gracefully add up, so does our wisdom,...

10 Best CBD Products for Back Pain 2024 (Ultimate Guide)

CBD, the acrobat of natural remedies, has been doing somersaults around traditional forms of pain management, winning hearts and easing pains. But with a market swamped with more brands than...

6 Best CBD Gummies for Muscle Relaxation and Recovery in 2024

There's been a lot of buzz around CBD and its potential muscle-relaxing properties. But as with most things, it's not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Just as your yoga-enthusiast friend swears by...

The 5 Best Inflammation Gummies in 2024

You know that feeling when your joints ache and swell, or that annoying red, tender spot that just won't let you forget its presence? Welcome to the not-so-pleasant world of...

6 Best Gummy Pain Relievers for 2024 (Detailed Review)

If the thought of swallowing horse-pill-sized painkillers sends shivers down your spine, you're not alone. But in the world of pain management, other, more palatable options do exist. Enter the...

6 Best CBD Gummies for Arthritis Pain Relief in 2024

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been making headlines while charming scientists and researchers with its intriguing potential wellness benefits for stress, sleep, and even pain management. Among the sea of its ever-expanding fanbase, folks with...

How Long Do CBD Gummies Take To Kick in & Working?

Over the past eight years, CBD has transitioned from being the "strange new kid on the block" to the "it" supplement found at virtually every corner. Now CBD gummies, one...

The 8 Best CBD Gummies for Sleep in 2024

In our fast-paced, always-on world, getting a night of uninterrupted slumber can feel like an out-of-reach luxury. Given the challenges of sleep disorders and the potential risks associated with conventional...

How Do CBD Gummies Make You Feel? Overall Effects

It might feel like CBD products have infiltrated every corner of society—it's not just for the hipsters and health nuts anymore. So, what's all the fuss about these cute little...

5 Best CBD Gummies For Energy: Energy Boost In A Bite

Can you take CBD gummies for energy? When you hear CBD gummies, the first thing that comes to mind is probably their calming effect. But CBD's versatile nature and unique...

What Is CBN?

With more attention on the possibilities of cannabidiol (CBD)—hemp's prominent cannabinoid—researchers and manufacturers are looking to lesser-known cannabinoids or minor cannabinoids to understand their potential benefits. There's a lot of confusion...

9 Best CBG Gummies In 2024: Ranked & Reviewed

Cannabigerol (CBG), known as the "mother of all cannabinoids," has been under the CBD spotlight for its focused like benefits. But wait! I hear you say, "Isn't it just another...

7 Strongest CBD Gummies: Find the Relief You Need

Picture this. You've had a long day, your back is aching, your head is throbbing, and you just want to relax. What's your go-to? A glass of wine? A hot...

Where to Buy CBD Gummies: CBD Gummy Marketplace

Maybe you've just learned about CBD gummies and their potential benefits, or perhaps you're a seasoned vet, tired of your usual brand, and looking for something new. You've spent the...

The 5 Best CBD Gummies for Pain Relief

Today's big question is whether CBD gummies for pain are worth looking into. And the short answer is yes. Those who live with chronic pain understand that pain is far...

How Much Are CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies typically cost an average of between $20 to $100 a bottle. Yes, that's quite a range, but don't be surprised just yet. The cost of these delightful wellness...

CBD Information & Education

We share all the fascinating facts you need to know about hemp and the endocannabinoid system, while discussing specific cannabinoid properties, usage methods, benefits, side effects, and more. Our team includes doctors, health and wellness educators, and cannabis experts. We source research-based information from The United States National Library of Medicine and other published biomedical literature from scientists around the globe, so you can trust you’re receiving the most credible CBD information available.

The Neurogan CBD blog houses a collection of step-by-step guides for introducing supplements into your wellness regimen to ensure a safe and positive experience. We cover dosage, administration methods, product types, and provide visual infographics and audio recordings for all types of learners. We also go in-depth to cover the importance of understanding that results vary based on genetics, lifestyle, and experience.

Thoroughly passionate about cannabinoids, plant-based apothecary, and health, we love taking a comprehensive dive into wellness with you in our blog. From cannabinoid recipes, to research about CBD for sleep, and even mindfulness techniques, this is your trusted hub for CBD education and wellness. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neurogan does not have any formal affiliation with The United States National Library of Medicine. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.