CBD Blog

At Neurogan, we’re your #1 source for education, guidance, and inspiration surrounding hemp-derived cannabinoids.

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7 Best Ways to Consume CBD

Many people are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) oil as a natural alternative to traditional medications. Still, with so many different products available, it can be overwhelming to know the best ways...

CBD For Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Is CBD safe for pregnant women? CBD is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it may pose a risk to the mother and baby. Learn more here.

CBD For Migraines: What The Research Says

Find out what the research says about using cannabinoids to treat migraines and other headaches.

CBD For eSports: Why Professional Gamers Are Using CBD

As eSports becomes more and more popular, players are looking for ways to improve their performance. Competitive gaming requires intense focus, quick reflexes, and near-constant alertness. Some professional gamers believe...

Elderberry Benefits, Side Effects & Uses

Elderberries are a dark, purplish sour berry harvested from Sambucus nigra "elder" trees from the late summer to autumn for their health benefits. Elder trees have a long history in European folklore...

7 Best CBD Creams For Pain in 2024

Many people swear by CBD for pain relief and a variety of other conditions from sleep, nervousness, and mood—But with so many CBD products on the market, it can be...

Can You Use Oral CBD Oil Topically On The Skin?

CBD oils combine hemp extract and a carrier oil like MCT coconut oil or hemp seed oil that's designed as an oral supplement, but you can technically use CBD oils...

6 Best CBD Oil For Weight Loss | Does it Work?

CBD oil is all the rage these days. With people swearing by its ability to help with anxiety, pain, and a myriad of other issues, it's no wonder cannabidiol has...

CBG vs CBD: Which Should I Choose?

If you're like us and have your finger on the pulse of cannabis news, you've probably seen a lot of buzz surrounding a new cannabinoid, cannabigerol (CBG). It's not technically a new...

CBN VS CBD: Which Should I Choose?

By now you've likely heard of cannabidiol (CBD) and its many potential benefits in the health and wellness space. It's become so popular, there's a good chance you can find...

How Athletes Use CBD For Muscle Recovery

Fads come and go in the sports and fitness industry, there's one compound that's made a substantial presence in the space and is only gaining more popularity, cannabidiol (CBD). While...

Can You Use CBD For Insomnia?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 30-40% of adults experience sleep disorders at any given year.  Insomnia can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get quality sleep....

Can CBD Oil Help Support Hair Growth?

Hair thinning is something both men and women struggle with. Hair loss is also a cause of worry because of its profound psychological effects. The hair loss treatment industry is...

Can You Use CBD For Stress? What The Current Research Says

Stress is a biological process that's designed to help us react to danger and to motivate. In the early history of humans, the stress response helped us to either fight...

CBD For Tattoos: Preparing For Your Session & Tattoo Aftercare

Tattoos have different meanings across different cultures, and it's a practice that has been around since ancient times—the oldest skin markings have been found on a Peruvian mummy dating back to...

What is Cannabichromene (CBC): Uses & Potential Benefits

Cannabichromene (CBC) is one of the most abundant cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, next to CBD, THC, and CBG. Despite its discovery 55 years ago in 1966, the research surrounding...

CBD Information & Education

We share all the fascinating facts you need to know about hemp and the endocannabinoid system, while discussing specific cannabinoid properties, usage methods, benefits, side effects, and more. Our team includes doctors, health and wellness educators, and cannabis experts. We source research-based information from The United States National Library of Medicine and other published biomedical literature from scientists around the globe, so you can trust you’re receiving the most credible CBD information available.

The Neurogan CBD blog houses a collection of step-by-step guides for introducing supplements into your wellness regimen to ensure a safe and positive experience. We cover dosage, administration methods, product types, and provide visual infographics and audio recordings for all types of learners. We also go in-depth to cover the importance of understanding that results vary based on genetics, lifestyle, and experience.

Thoroughly passionate about cannabinoids, plant-based apothecary, and health, we love taking a comprehensive dive into wellness with you in our blog. From cannabinoid recipes, to research about CBD for sleep, and even mindfulness techniques, this is your trusted hub for CBD education and wellness. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neurogan does not have any formal affiliation with The United States National Library of Medicine. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.