Best Time Of Day To Take CBD Oil | Morning or Night Skip to content
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Best Time Of Day To Take CBD Oil | Morning & Night

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To maximize the effects of CBD oil, what's the best time to take your CBD?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to using CBD. The best time of day to take CBD will depend on your health and wellness goals.

There are benefits for taking CBD during the day, like better focus and sustained energy levels, but there are also unique benefits you can receive by taking your CBD in the evenings, like sleep support and muscle recovery.

To learn more about how to time when you take CBD oil to leverage the best benefits for our lifestyle, you've come to the right place.

First, let's go over a quick overview of CBD facts.

Overview On Maximizing CBD Benefits:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) belongs to a class of phytochemicals known as cannabinoids that interact with the endocannabinoid system to deliver broad-acting wellness benefits by supporting the body's ability to maintain homeostasis.
  • CBD comes in a wide range of product types available, and the type of CBD product may be more appropriate than others depending on why you're taking CBD.
  • CBD can affect everyone differently depending on their genetics, age, experience with CBD, and lifestyle, so it may take some trial and error to figure out the best time and dose for taking CBD oil.
  • To get the most benefits from your CBD oil, you should take it consistently so that the body adjusts to the level of cannabinoids introduced.

When should I take CBD Oil and Why?

Before selecting your CBD oil, determining when to take it is even more important. Consider your day's activities first:

  1. If you anticipate a day filled with physical activity, it's best to use CBD tincture under your tongue at the end of the day to help with recovery and relaxation.
  2. If you're facing stress or low mood, starting your day with CBD oil in the morning alongside your daily supplements can the best time to take CBD oil.

CBD's effectiveness is largely due to its interaction with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a key role in regulating a range of functions from our sleep-wake cycle and stress response to metabolism and memory.

By inhibiting enzymes that break down endocannabinoids, CBD helps maintain higher levels of these natural compounds, improving the ECS's ability to maintain balance within the body.

Given the ECS's comprehensive influence, the timing of CBD can impact its effects. Morning use can support focus and stress management, vital for a productive day. In contrast, evening use may enhance the body's natural preparation for sleep, assisting those who have difficulty unwinding at night.

By aligning the right time take CBD with your body's natural rhythms and needs, you can maximize its potential to support your overall wellbeing.

How Does CBD Work? CBD & The Endocannabinoid System

Factors for When To Take CBD

Since there isn't a standard approach to using CBD due to its broad-acting effects and the differences in people's genetic makeup. You can expect to experiment with your CBD products until you reach your desired effects.

We'll go over some of the factors you may want to consider when deciding when the best time is to take CBD to help you time your doses better.

Main Reason For Taking CBD

Appropriate CBD doses have been shown to support pain, inflammation, mental stress, and much more [1,2,3].

Some people swear by CBD for helping them maintain calm and focus throughout the day, while others use it as a sleep support supplement. The reason you're taking CBD will be a large deciding factor on what time of day to take CBD.

As a plant-derived compound that has been deemed safe and well-tolerated by the World Health Organization, people are reaching for CBD to support several different lifestyles and health concerns.

The Type Of CBD Product

CBD is extracted from mature hemp plants and formulated into many different products that help to target the effects of CBD, cater to different lifestyles, and make CBD easier to dose consistently.

Deciding on what type of CBD products (oil, capsules, topicals, edibles, or smoking) will factor into what time you should take your CBD product because you have to consider the time it takes for the compounds to kick in.

The fastest onset of effects is smoking CBD—vapes, concentrates, natural hemp flower—as the active compounds enter the bloodstream to circulate throughout the body via the lungs within a matter of minutes.

When you eat CBD, you have to factor in its time to digest the active compounds before it enters the bloodstream.

Depending on when you last ate and genetics, it can take anywhere from 20–45 minutes before you begin to feel the effects of your CBD product, so if you want to take CBD for a good night's sleep, you should consider taking gummies, capsules, or oils at least an hour before your ideal bedtime to allow the active ingredients to start taking their effects.

The Different Extract Types for CBD

There are three main types of CBD extract:

  1. Full spectrum
  2. THC-free broad spectrum
  3. Isolate

These are the three main three CBD extract types. According to some experts and experienced CBD users, the type of extract in your product can result in different onset times for their effects.

The differences between these extract types are the cannabinoid profile and terpenes. CBD is one of over a hundred phytochemical compounds that are found to contribute to some health benefits. CBD isolates only contain one active ingredient—CBD, while full spectrum and broad spectrum may contain a range of terpenes and cannabinoids, making the effects of CBD much more powerful and balanced. The presence of other cannabis compounds can affect how fast you feel the effects and the duration.

For morning use, CBD isolate extracts are often preferred for their singular focus on CBD's alertness-enhancing properties without additional compounds. During the day, THC-free broad spectrum extracts can offer a balanced boost without the psychoactive effects, ideal for maintaining focus and calm.

In the evening, Full spectrum extracts are favored for their comprehensive cannabinoid profile, contributing to a more potent and synergistic relaxation effect, aiding in unwinding and preparing for sleep.

Taking CBD at Day vs. Night

Deciding on whether you should take CBD oil during the day vs. the night comes down to personal preference and what you hope to get out of CBD.

We'll go over some of the reasons people enjoy taking CBD during the day versus the evening to help you navigate this decision.

Day: Support Productivity & Focus

Day: Support Productivity & Focus

How you begin your morning can set the tone for the rest of the day.

CBD has been a topic for many ongoing studies for its calming effects and neuroprotective benefits that may help increase focus and concentration throughout the day [4].

CBD isn't a stimulant like the caffeine in coffee, but it can help promote a better mood that can allow you to concentrate better and longer on given tasks.

Some people even enjoy stacking CBD and coffee as the ultimate productivity hack. Since caffeine promotes alertness and wakefulness but often comes with the side effects of jitteriness and feelings of anxiety that can be distracting, taking CBD alongside coffee can help mitigate some of these feelings for a more enjoyable and effective cup of joe.

Day: Manage Healthy Stress Levels

Stress is a healthy and normal part of life—it's what helps us stay motivated and keeps us safe from danger. When our stress levels are prolonged or unexpected life events throw us out of our regular comforts, we become more prone to mental and physical ailments.

CBD interacts with endocannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system to promote relaxation and has been shown to modulate the activity of GABA receptors in the brain that helps combat the excitement of the stress hormones.

Some people enjoy taking CBD oil, like a 5000mg CBD oil in the morning to manage their overall stress levels to keep them in a happy, balanced state.

Day: Morning Workouts

Some people enjoy starting the day with exercise because it's easier to commit to and can help to boost energy levels for the rest of the day.

Many active CBD enthusiasts keep CBD gummies, oil, or topicals in their gym bags to support their workouts. Taking CBD orally in the morning can help to stimulate your mind to get you in the zone for a strenuous workout. You can also take CBD oil or massage CBD topicals into your skin post-workout to improve joint mobility and promote faster muscle recovery thanks to the regulatory inflammation benefits of CBD [5].

Evening: Sleep Support

Night: Sleep Support

Many factors could be keeping you up at night. One of the most popular reasons people seek out CBD products is to naturally get a good night's rest. CBD has many different mechanisms that may help address what keeps you awake from stress, pain, and nervousness.

When taken in the evening, roughly an hour or two before your ideal bedtime, CBD has been shown to prepare the body for sleep by calming down a hyperactive central nervous system [6].

If you plan to take CBD oil for sleep, you will take it in higher doses of 40–80 mg CBD. This is because most studies conducted on CBD oil for sleep involve higher doses. CBN is another cannabinoid that has been gaining a lot of attention for its sleep support, and that may rival the effects of CBD on sleep.

Cannabinoids aren't sedative compounds the same way that prescription sleeping drugs work, which means you should be able to feel energized and clear-headed the next morning.

Night: Muscle Recovery

Whether you have a strenuous workout or you're recovering from an injury, taking CBD oil in the evening may be able to support your muscle recovery.

CBD is observed to have potential anti-inflammatory benefits that make it useful for pain relief and alleviating symptoms of inflammation such as fatigue, swelling, and aches.

CBD is suggested to be a powerful pain reliever and muscle relaxant through anecdotal reports and scientific findings. CBD may help to support muscles in reducing pain and swelling after a strenuous workout or injury so that you can find it easier to get back to your daily routine.

Night: Meditation & Yin Yoga

CBD is an intuitive fit for restorative yin yoga practice and meditation.

CBD's ability to support a calm and relaxed mood can help to mentally prepare the mind and body connection for deeper meditation and restorative yoga practice. The cannabis plant has been used alongside meditation practices for hundreds of years—throughout history, yogis used cannabis to enhance their spirituality.

The problem with using marijuana for yoga practice is that if you're inexperienced, the high THC levels in the plant could backfire on you, pushing you into an overactive and anxious state, making it difficult to practice mindfulness.

CBD doesn't have the same excitatory effects on the CB1 receptor that causes intoxication like THC, but it engages several mechanisms that support deep relaxation and calm, which can help you better connect with your practice.

Conclusion: Day or Night

Deciding whether to take CBD oil in the morning or at night depends on your individual needs and lifestyle. Morning use can enhance focus, mood, and productivity, making it ideal for those looking to start their day with a positive and calm mindset. Evening use, on the other hand, supports relaxation, sleep, and muscle recovery, catering to those aiming to unwind after a long day. Ultimately, the best time to take CBD oil is when it aligns with your wellness goals throughout the day.

How often should I take CBD Oil?

To start noticing the benefits of your pure CBD oil, you should take it once everyday for at least 14 days before deciding whether you need to switch doses or products.

While some people report the effects of CBD immediately after taking it, it can take several weeks for your body to adjust to the supplemented cannabinoids before you notice the effects.

Some consumers find that they need to take CBD as frequently as three times a day to support muscle and joint discomfort.

However, if you are on any medication or have an underlying health condition, we recommend you speak with your doctor for guidance.

The Takeaway: Best Time To Take CBD Oil?

The best time of day to take CBD oil will depend on several factors including, what effects you hope to get out of supplementing CBD, your dose, and the type of product you're using.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to using CBD because it primarily interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is tasked with regulating homeostasis (balance). Because everyone's state of balance can vary from genetics, lifestyle factors, and even day-by-day, the results of CBD will be different for everyone.

There are different benefits you can find by taking CBD in the mornings or at night. It all depends on what you're looking to use CBD for. You can expect some experimentation with timing, doses, and products to find what's right for you.


What Is The Best Time To Take CBD To Maximize The Effects?

There are advantages to taking CBD throughout the day, such as improved attention and maintained energy levels, but there are also advantages to taking CBD at night, such as sleep support and muscle recovery.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD is thought to function in the endocannabinoid system by blocking the enzymes that break down endocannabinoids. Higher cannabinoids improve the feedback loop for maintaining homeostasis (balance), allowing for improved function.

What Is The Difference Between Taking CBD During The Day vs. Night?

People prefer using CBD first thing in the morning to boost productivity and attention, manage healthy stress levels, and get the most out of their early workouts. While some people choose to use CBD at night for sleep support, muscle healing, meditation, and yin yoga.

How Often Should You Use CBD Oil?

To begin experiencing the advantages of CBD oil, take it every day for at least 14 days before determining whether to switch doses or products. While some people claim instant results from CBD, it may take several weeks for your body to acclimatize to cannabinoids before you feel any effects. 


  1. Serpell, M., Ratcliffe, S., Hovorka, J., Schofield, M., Taylor, L., Lauder, H., & Ehler, E. (2014). A double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled, parallel group study of THC/CBD spray in peripheral neuropathic pain treatment. European journal of pain, 18(7), 999-1012.
  2. Burstein, S. (2015). Cannabidiol (CBD) and its analogs: a review of their effects on inflammation. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 23(7), 1377-1385.
  3. Blessing, E. M., Steenkamp, M. M., Manzanares, J., & Marmar, C. R. (2015). Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 12(4), 825-836.
  4. Maroon, J., & Bost, J. (2018). Review of the neurological benefits of phytocannabinoids. Surgical neurology international, 9.
  5. Hammell, D. C., Zhang, L. P., Ma, F., Abshire, S. M., McIlwrath, S. L., Stinchcomb, A. L., & Westlund, K. N. (2016). Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain‐related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis. European Journal of Pain, 20(6), 936-948.
  6. Bakas, T., Van Nieuwenhuijzen, P. S., Devenish, S. O., McGregor, I. S., Arnold, J. C., & Chebib, M. (2017). The direct actions of cannabidiol and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol at GABAA receptors. Pharmacological research, 119, 358-370.
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Katrina Lubiano

BA in English Katrina has always had a passion for health sciences and literature. She works as a content writer, editor, and strategist in the health and wellness space, primarily focusing on cannabis education. She’s written well over 400,000 words on the subject—including demystifying laws a...

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