Benefits of CBD Bath Bombs: Do They Work & Are They Safe? Skip to content
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Benefits of CBD Bath Bombs: Surprising Truths

Every month there's a whole slew of new CBD products being introduced onto the market: from CBD deodorant to CBD chocolate, and more. There's no doubt all these new CBD products are trendy, but do they actually work?

CBD manufacturers and marketers have caught on to the buzzy power of adding CBD to everything, and therefore, not all CBD products are created equally. We'll take a closer look at one such product this week: CBD bath bombs

Allow us to answer the question, "Do CBD Bath Bombs work?" with basic knowledge and let you in on some options that might be a better fit to give you the CBD experience you're looking for. 

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What Is A CBD Bath Bomb?

Bath bombs are hard-packed mixtures of herbs & essential oils that add color, smells, or bubbles to bathwater. The idea for the first ever bath bomb came to the creator of Lush Cosmetics, Mo Constantine, in 1989 and changed bath time forever. 

CBD bath bombs capitalize on both the popularity of bath bombs & CBD by mixing two buzz-worthy items related to relaxation & rejuvenation. 

What Are The CBD Bath Bomb Benefits?

CBD bath bomb benefits purportedly include:

  • Skin purification
  • A relaxing sensation
  • All-over relaxation

CBD bath bombs are intended to be placed in a warm full bath tub, in which they'll begin to dissolve and fizz, opten emitting colors or scents alongside other epsom salts or essential oils. 

Each CBD bath bomb typically includes anywhere from 30-150mg.

What Are The CBD Bath Bomb Effects?

There isn't currently any research to support the claims that CBD bath bombs effects actually happen.

The only scientifically proven part of a CBD bath bomb, is the bath part. In fact, a simple warm bath has been scientifically proven to:

  • Improve heart health
  • Help you breathe easier
  • Calm the brain & nervous system
  • Soothe muscles, joints, and bones
  • Improve gastrointestinal health
  • Help balance hormones
  • Moisturize the hair & skin

While the benefits of CBD bath bombs have not been proven, the topical and oral use of CBD products have been scientifically proven to provide greater mental and physical well-being.

Are CBD Bath Bombs Considered Topical CBD?

Manufacturers and brands would like for the public to believe that CBD bath bombs fall into the category of topical CBD, however, there is a major distinction.

Take for example, our best-selling CBD Rub

By putting just one dollop of our signature cooling rub on an area of discomfort, you're potentially getting up to 35MG of CBD soaking deep into your ache or pain. That's a potent dose. 

Whereas the act of sitting in a 75-gallon bathtub of 50MG of diluted CBD, does not apply as topical use as it isn't applied in a concentrated, direct dose to the skin's surface. 

Do CBD Bath Bombs Work?

CBD bath bombs don't work and the the evidence is in plain sight. Here are 3 reasons CBD bath bombs don't work. 

1. CBD bath bombs don't soak into the epidermis.

As you may know, topical CBD products work wonders. But CBD bath bombs aren't considered topical CBD.

The key aspect of using a topical CBD product is that it requires dwell time, as in, time to soak into the epidermis. CBD bath bombs don't allow for the same effect; CBD put into a bathtub simply sits on the surface of the water.

2. The CBD in CBD bath bombs is diluted.

CBD bath bombs are typically sold at low-strengths, yet marketed as though they are high strength. On a popular CBD site, we found that their bath bombs featured just 50MG of CBD each. If you were to dilute those 50MG of CBD into an entire bath-full of water (about 75 gallons), it wouldn't produce enough of an effect and most of the CBD would end up washed down the drain.

Any relaxing feeling one might take after using a CBD bath bomb is likely just from the fact that they took a bath and not from the CBD that is sitting on the surface of the water.  

3. CBD oil doesn't mix with water.

We looked into popular online recipes for creating your own CBD bath bombs and were quite surprised to find that majority of the recipes include CBD in oil form. Now, isn't it basic science and knowledge that water and oil do not mix? As aforementioned, the oil would simply sit on top of the water and not be able to perform as effectively as it's meant to. 

Alternatives To CBD Bath Bombs

Many people turn to CBD bath bombs for physical aches & pains, but we've got a few options that'll provide you with more bang for your buck.

CBD Topicals

CBD topical products are your best bet if your CBD goals include a brighter complexion, healthier skin, or freedom from stubborn aches & pains. 

CBD's ability to aid physical discomfort is due to the amount of cannabinoid receptors present on our skin. Chemicals like CBD interact directly with these cannabinoid receptors to help mitigate pain signals and promote proper inflammatory function within our bodies. 

Inflammation has been linked to chronic skin conditions, and fortunately, CBD's research surrounding inflammation-based issues is starting to stack up. A recent study performed by Professor Matthew Halpert of the Baylor College of Medicine recently confirmed CBD's ability to reduce the production of inflammatory markers related to arthritis.

CBD Basics

CBD Basics include the most straightforward methods of taking CBD: CBD oilCBD softgels, and CBD spray. The best part about CBD basics is they're easy to take on-the-go, straightforward to use, and offer the quickest relief.

CBD oil is one of the most popular methods used to take CBD today because when taken sublingually (under the tongue) it has been scientifically proven to fight pain and provide support for proper inflammatory function. 

Conclusion: Benefits of CBD Bath Bombs

How to make CBD Bath bombs

We think bath bombs are a great addition to baths! They're known for being great for aromatherapy, relaxation, and more. But the truth is, there is simply better ways to experience CBD

It seems that these days commodities like CBD are being sensationalized and it's important to look into whether the product you're purchasing has been researched and proven to work. 

If you have any questions about choosing the right CBD product for you, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team. 


How much CBD is added to a bath bomb?

Oftentimes CBD bath bombs won’t list a CBD content, which is usually a sign that there isn’t much in there. Most CBD bath bombs we’ve found online contain anywhere from 25–100 MG of CBD. The CBD content in bath bombs depends on the brand. You should always check the third-party lab tests to verify the content.

Do CBD Bath Bombs Work?

There’s not enough evidence to show that bath bombs are effective. The CBD becomes diluted in the bathwater and doesn’t absorb into the epidermis very well as CBD oil is hydrophobic. However, you feel relaxed from the other ingredients in the bath bombs such as essential oils and the act of taking a warm bath.

Are CBD Bath Bombs Safe?

CBD bath bombs are generally safe—but some people can be allergic to ingredients like artificial scents in the bath bomb that can lead to skin irritation and sinus sensitivities, so always check the ingredients in the bath bomb before purchasing it.

How to Make CBD Bath Bombs?

You can make CBD bath bombs at home by combining equal parts baking soda, citric acid, and epsom salt, body oil, and drops of CBD oil and pressing it into a mold. However, you’ll make better use of your CBD oil if you take it internally. If you want the benefits of CBD on your skin, use high potency CBD topicals.


Jonas Hansen

Jonas is a Danish chiropractic student and massage therapist with a lifelong passion for physical activity and overall health. He has received education in exercise, nutrition, and manual therapy. His background spans a variety of sports disciplines, including gymnastics, martial arts, soccer, a...

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